While skipping merrily along in blogland, came across a few pics/posts referencing button bouquets...what an addiction this is proving to be! Here's a first-run trial of a little Valentine's Day Button Bouquet...going to add this to my Valentine's Day tree with some others...quick, easy, inexpensive, so many uses! Could use the sweet little bouquets on packages, tied around a greeting card, adorning headbands, well, you get the idea...have a go at it, you'll love them! Many, many references and tutorials on the web, check it out!
Just a sampling of packaging, I love to try new ideas out, and this little gift was for my hairdresser...(contents: Snippets Bloom, available on my Etsy)
January 24, cast on for a scrap-yarn blanket...working with an anything-goes palette...different fibers, different colors...from a Ravelry pattern find "Sediment Scraps Blanket".
And! Finally I'm updating with pics of Halloween costume extravaganza! Picture of the headpiece...
and of my sweet Winter Fairy...