Monday, July 20, 2009

Hectic, stressful past few days. I came home from work today and the house was quiet but I really needed to de-stress a headed up to my spinning wheel and did a quick little spin. I love the state of being I can get into when I'm not overly concerned about fiber thickness...just kinda let my hands do the work and let my mind recover from the past few days...
This is about 60 yds, and I have more of the roving to spin...but I needed to spin and ply, just needed the end result to calm my soul.


  1. Very smooth and shimmery. Looks so soft and squishable. It sure gets me in the mood for some mind- numbing spinning:) Time to haul out my belovid Ladybug wheel!

  2. The roving was from last year's fiber festival! It was at one of the last booths...remember the women from your area? It was that vendor...I have to find the label on it, it's very soft and shimmery.

  3. That is so beautiful, I can't believe the way the colors entwine together like that. It is already a work of art on it's own so it'll knit up to something breathtaking. I love it!

    Angie (angelinadi on ravelry)

  4. Thanks Angie, I do love the colors too...I should post a pic of the roving too...lovely...
