Saturday, March 14, 2009

Couple of things for today...I finished the larger of the St. Paddy Day dishcloths, it's not blocked yet, but I love it!
st paddy cloth umbrella and cow
The lovely turquoise project at the top is one of Kristen's patterns from her new pattern set "Spring Cloths"...I'm doing the umbrella first and it's almost done! And I suppose you've noticed the little figurine?
Now, do you not think this is the cutest little cow/steer? I'm not a cattle expert, but figure with the darling gold horns, must be a steer? Look down here for a better view...
cow figurine
oh my, just too sweet isn't it?


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    What a great dishcloth! I love the St. Patty's theme. :)

  2. Great cow! or should I say, Holy Cow!~~I adore your knitting!~~~XXOO, Beth

  3. Thanks to both of you for commenting on the dishcloths...I love them too!
    And Beth, I just had to show you that sweet little friend of mine...
    Glad you like her too :-)

  4. Anonymous6:00 PM

    such an adorable little cow, calf, bull, or whatever it is! :)

  5. Kelli,
    I love my little "whatever" cow too...the wreath around it's neck is so pretty!

  6. Cute cow!! Great Dishcloth!! I love everything St Patrick's Day ( and I'm not Irish - grew up in a neighborhood half Irish, half Italian and me! My best friend is Irish)

  7. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I love the dishcloth! It might make me want to make a dishcloth of my own.

  8. The cow is adorable!!

  9. I like your St. Patty's dishcloths! I've never madea dishcloth because I always thought they were boring. That is until I saw these! I might have to change my attitude and make these.

  10. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Love the cow- too cute
