Friday, May 29, 2009

I finally made the purchase:

Amazon's Kindle'll be here this afternoon! Yippee! Any book recommendations to add to my list?


  1. Found you through Ravelry.

    I don't have one of these but I love to read. I'd be curious to know how you like it.

    Right now I'm reading one of Dan Silva's books. I really like his 'spy fiction'. It's fast moving, always keeps me guessing. With the way he weaves in bits of current news, I'm often left wondering if it really is fiction.

  2. hi
    ive just found your blog, i love your crochet and the wool pictured.
    felicity xx

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Ooh how exciting! I love gadgets... especially ones that help me read. :) Well, I'm not sure what you've read or not but some of my favorite books is The Time Traveler's Wife. Just a wonderful book.

  4. Anonymous11:42 PM

    OOh, jealous! I love reading, but we don't have such things here in New Zealand (yet).

  5. I am so fantastically jealous of you! I have been coveting the Kindle for neigh on a year now. If you like the classics you can usually find them for SUPER cheap. I borrow (read steal) my boyfriends Kindle all the time and I found the complete works of Jane Austen and the complete Sherlock Holmes for 99cents each...
