Sunday, December 29, 2013

The last few days of 2013...

It's been far too long away from my blog.  With the new year about to begin I'm feeling that I should begin again on this blog.  So many things I want to do this coming year, so many things I don't want to forget...I can record it here.

This past year has been a very busy one...a granddaughter who turned 10, another who turned 1.  A daughter's wedding preparation for January 2014 and another daughter's new pregnancy.  A lot of wonderful things for 2014 already in motion.

And so it begins.

A few things on the list to (try) do these last few days of 2013:

Finish up December Daily - print pics, insert in page protectors, journal and embellish
Card challenges...maybe start one or two of these...could be fun
Cut snowflakes for the upcoming wedding on my Cameo
Take down Christmas decorations/tree - planned for Jan 1 during football game(s)
Get busy with some knitting projects

Enough for the next few days?  Yep, probably.  So let's get going.

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